Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Baking Soda and Vinegar Play!

My oldest son is recovering from an illness, so he had to stay home from school today. At one point he seemed quite bored of reading books and napping, so I decided to set him up with a little baking soda/vinegar activity. I know when we think of those two things, elaborate volcano creations instantly come to mind,  but what I set up for my son possessed the same amount of wonder without all of the work.

I started by mixing a few drops of food coloring to four small bowls of white vinegar...

Next, into a baking dish, I poured a layer of baking soda...

I washed a dropper from an old medicine bottle for my son to use...

That's it! (I told you there was minimal work involved!) 

My boy set to work sucking up colored vinegar with the dropper and squeezing it on top of the baking soda. That's when the magic happened! He was quite excited when the materials reacted with a great FIZZZZ!  

We chatted a bit about bases, acids, bicarbonate, acetic acid, and carbon dioxide, but mostly we just "ooohed" and "aaahed" as each dropper-full of vinegar met the baking soda. Colors were mixed, "experiments" were performed...

Lots of fun was definitely had. We will be revisiting this activity for sure! I can't wait for my middle son to try it out too. I can just imagine how impressed he will be by the fizzzzzz!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Mud Kitchen: Part 2

The finishing touches were put on the mud kitchen weeks ago...

...but the days have been so full that the boys were only able to enjoy it for the first time yesterday afternoon.  At first, they stuck to neatly transferring water from pot to pot with a baster and other such "tidy" activities...

...so I decided to introduce the children to the dirt by making a muddy pancake. That really seemed to get the fun, creative juices flowing!

Ahhhhhhhh, squishy mud!

The kitchen didn't stay neat for long!

Mmmmm....chocolate soup!

Busy, focused, little chefs...

So many treats were created during the first day of play...

A few quick blasts from the hose, and our mud kitchen is ready for the next time the boys feel like whipping up some deliciousness...